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Contextual Cash Flow Forecasting



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Contextual Cash Flow Forecasting

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Transform a chore taking your clients hours into something beautifully simple taking minutes. Build a cash balance forecast based on categorised payables and receivables.

Clever use of machine learning highlights likely upcoming payments adding to the data the bank already has plus corporate data. The forecast becomes an important insight, making the bank a more used and more trusted resource.

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Automatic Forecasting

Detect patterns in previous movements to predict upcoming items

  • Let the system highlight repeated payments or receipts
  • Visualise the amounts, dates and see the periodicity, average, highest and lowest amounts
  • What is needed to enable a good BaaS solution?
  • Or refine the forecast by adjusting the automatic predictions based on the treasurer’s superior knowledge

Powerful Visualisation

At-a-glance view of near future cash

  • Graphical view of past, current and future
  • Shows daily incomings, outgoings as well as resultant balance
  • Summary highlighting movement totals and opening and closing position during the period
  • Shortfalls and surpluses are handled clearly and simply
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All the Detail at your Fingertips

Scrolldown tabular view to provide full information

  • Incomings and outgoings listed by date
  • Outgoings categorised as desired by the corporate, for example investments, loan repayments, purchases, salaries, tax
  • Incomings also, eg sales, dividends, interest, refunds
  • Drilldown by click to full transaction detail

Powerful but Easy Forecast Management

Create and manage multiple forecasts for a fully personal, intimate, rich view of the future with various what-ifs

  • Create a forecast in minutes not hours with a click or two

  • Choose the accounts to forecast and length of time

  • Give it a unique name and add notes to keep track

  • Keep the forecast private or share it amongst colleagues

  • Forecasts are fully included if desired in entitlement workflow

  • The forecast automatically deactivates after its end date

Powerful But Easy Forecast
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Crack the Data Acquisition Problem

Data is collected from multiple sources

  • APIs are fully supported and the purest way
  • File upload and connection to online apps (eg Quickbooks) all supported
  • Manual input and adjustment also possible
  • Export to Excel, csf and similar formats

A Win for the Bank as well as for the Corporate

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A powerful way to increase customer stickiness at zero operational cost

  • Zero effort on operations needed by the bank
  • Can easily be integrated into the bank portal
  • Encourages the client to share past, current and future payment and receipt data with the bank enabling greater intimacy
  • Helps increase client stickiness, greater use of the bank portal and more likelihood to become principal, revenue-earning bank