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World Payments Report 2020

iGTB is proud to be key contributor in Capgemini’s annual report which is a leading source for data, trends and insights on global and regional non-cash payments. One of the key insights that emerges from this research, is the aggression displayed by corporate treasures to increasingly embrace digital and innovative ways to tackle deep-rooted inefficiencies to ensure customer stickiness.

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This report also highlights the need for payment institutions such as banks to rapidly prioritize technology transformation in order to stay competitive especially in the field of rapid-real time treasury payments… (ref to page 10 )

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This 16th edition specifically analyzes how the payments needs of corporate treasurers are evolving and aggressively shifting to instant payment, B2B virtual cards, mobile payments and B2B API-based payments…(ref to page 31)

2020 11 03 Min


World Payments Report 2020